LEPKOWSKI ,2005 Burrowing OwlAlbuquerque NM 87123 | Home= Wife's Cell= Husband's Cell= EMail= | Abejon , Peter and Marjorie2001 Canyon Wren CtAlbuquerque NM 87123 | Home= 206 407-8655 Wife's Cell= Husband's Cell= 478 293-2465 EMail= msdc1978@yahoo.com | Appel , Titus and Amanda2004 Canyon Wren CtAlbuquerque NM 87123 | Home= 505 206-3205 Wife's Cell= 505 206-3174 Husband's Cell= EMail= titus.appel@gmail.com | Baca , Jared and Leah2028 Canyon WrenAlbuquerque NM 87123 | Home= 505 362-9963 Wife's Cell= Husband's Cell= EMail= Jared.bacva@zimmerbiomed.com | BAKER , TABITHA A11432 Manzano VistaAlbuquerque NM | Home= Wife's Cell= Husband's Cell= EMail= | Bale , Joanna2000 Canyon WrenAlbuquerque NM 87123 | Home= Wife's Cell= Husband's Cell= EMail= | Bloomquist , Barton11416 Harrier HawkAlbuquerque NM 87123 | Home= 948-4053 Wife's Cell= 9484053 Husband's Cell= 505 206-4425 EMail= Barton.bloomquist@gmail.com EMail2= Breanna.bloomquist@gmail.com | BRIGGS SCOTT A & JOY ,2024 White DoveAlbuquerque NM | Home= Wife's Cell= Husband's Cell= EMail= | Cannero , Chris and Debbie Romero2016 Canyon WrenAlbuquerque NM 87123 | Home= Wife's Cell= 505 417-5574 Husband's Cell= 505 977-7556 EMail= ccannero1@outlook.com EMail2= dromero@medinatona.com | Carreathers , Harvey and Heather2016 Burrowing OwlAlbuquerque NM 87123 | Home= 505 980-0254 Wife's Cell= Husband's Cell= EMail= hcarreathers@gmail.com EMail2= abqgreene@gmail.com | Casados , Jamine and Will Monette11400 Harrier Hawk Ave SEAlbuquerque NM 87123 | Home= 505-514-1135 Wife's Cell= Husband's Cell= 505-321-5627 EMail= casados.jas@gmail.com EMail2= wmonette@unm.edu | Clauss , David and Donna11424 Harrier HawkAlbuquerque NM 87123 | Home= 463-6263 Wife's Cell= 463-6263 Husband's Cell= 293-2052 EMail= donna@clauss.us EMail2= dave@clauss.us | COLLINS DONNA LYNNE ,2020 White DoveAlbuquerque NM | Home= Wife's Cell= Husband's Cell= EMail= | COX SHANNON M ,2016 White DoveAlbuquerque NM | Home= Wife's Cell= Husband's Cell= EMail= | Dawson , Ahmed and Christina2012 Burrowing OwlAlbuquerque NM 87123 | Home= 505 340-3803 Wife's Cell= Husband's Cell= 713 816-6874 EMail= ahmedandchristina@outlook.com | DECK , LINDSAY E and11440 Manzano VistaAlbuquerque NM | Home= Wife's Cell= Husband's Cell= EMail= | Deherrer , David and Cheyanne2008 White DoveAlbuquerque NM 87123 | Home= Wife's Cell= 505 239-3360 Husband's Cell= 525 670-1607 EMail= davidjdeherrera@outlook.com | Esquibel , Joe and Sharon11452 Monzano VistaAlbuquerque NM 87123 | Home= 505 610-6870 Wife's Cell= Husband's Cell= EMail= esquibel.JosephJE@gmail.com | George , James and Emiko11432 Harrier HawkAlbuquerque NM | Home= 966-6294 Wife's Cell= Husband's Cell= EMail= rgeorge13@icloud.com EMail2= emikogeorge@icloud.com | Gonzalez , Jesse and Sue2001 Burrowing OwlAlbuquerque NM 87123 | Home= 505 934-8810 Wife's Cell= 505-550-9756 Husband's Cell= EMail= sue2332@hotmail.com | Hall , Taylor and Elise2009 Burrowing OwlAlbuquerque NM 87123 | Home= 850 865-6808 Wife's Cell= Husband's Cell= 205-907-5094 EMail= emunzhall@gmail.com EMail2= thall1463@gmail.com | Ho , Kevin and Jenny2028 White Dove St SEAlbuquerque NM 87123 | Home= 505 918-8554 Wife's Cell= Husband's Cell= 505 591-8459 EMail= vanbuoc2002@yahoo.com EMail2= dungtran9484@yahoo.com | Karika , William (Bill) and Brooke Grindinger11412 Harrier Hawk Ave SEAlbuquerque NM 87123 | Home= 321-427-0444 Wife's Cell= 214-505-2506 Husband's Cell= 321-427-0444 EMail= wtkarika@gmail.com | Maestas , Derek and Yuonne11436 Harrier Hawk Ave SEAlbuquerque NM 87123 | Home= 505 429-4036 Wife's Cell= Husband's Cell= 505 274-1012 EMail= demars@unm.edu | MARTINEZ BENJAMIN G ,2012 White DoveAlbuquerque NM | Home= Wife's Cell= Husband's Cell= EMail= | MENDOZA , JEROME2004 White DoveAlbuquerque NM | Home= Wife's Cell= Husband's Cell= EMail= | Milinazzo , Jared and Bethany11428 Harrier HawkAlbuquerque NM 87123 | Home= 328-4980 Wife's Cell= Husband's Cell= 274-6657 EMail= jjmilinazzo@gmail.com EMail2= bethanymilinazzo@gmail.com | Miner , Sean2015 Canyon Wren Ct SeAlbuquerque NM 87123 | Home= 970 214-1548 Wife's Cell= Husband's Cell= EMail= sean.miner78@gmail.com | Morehead , Ezell and Francisca Duran2020 Canyon Wren Ct SEAlbuquerque NM 87123 | Home= 505 219-6529 Wife's Cell= 505 389-3879 Husband's Cell= EMail= ezellMoreHead@gmail.com EMail2= franc_D14@yahoo.com | Morris , Eric and Shelby2027 White Dove SEAlbuquerque NM 87123 | Home= 505 620-8558 Wife's Cell= Husband's Cell= 336 926-7859 EMail= Shelbylsnow@gmail.com | OGUINN , RYAN M and LINA11436 Manzano VistaAlbuquerque NM | Home= Wife's Cell= Husband's Cell= EMail= | Osborne , Garydon and Kessi2008 Canyon Wren CTAlbuquerque NM 87123 | Home= 832 627-5795 Wife's Cell= Husband's Cell= 505 407-9181 EMail= graydon.osborne@gmail.com EMail2= kerrbanach@yhoo.com | Palombo , Turner and Kristy2023 Burrowing OwlAlbuquerque NM 87123 | Home= 385 283-4454 Wife's Cell= 385 208-5435 Husband's Cell= 505-205-4151 EMail= turner.palombo@gmail.com EMail2= palombo.kristy@gmail.com | Porter , Nathan and Michael Tichy2008 Burrowing Owl St SEAlbuquerque NM 87123 | Home= 503 507-6697 Wife's Cell= Husband's Cell= EMail= porterna123@gmail.com | Pritchett , Don and Clarissa11443 Manzano Vista SEAlbuquerque NM 87123 | Home= 505 803-5037 Wife's Cell= Husband's Cell= 505 264-7034 EMail= teampritchett2009@gmail.com | Relyea , William (Bill) and Kim2015 Burrowing Owl StAlbuquerque NM 87123 | Home= 571 225-855 Wife's Cell= 703 577-8704 Husband's Cell= EMail= william_relyea@comcas.net EMail2= thuynguyen1064@gmail.com | RENTED ,2009 Canyon Wren Ct SEAlbuquerque NM 87123 | Home= Wife's Cell= Husband's Cell= EMail= | RENTED , PATEL NIKIN CHANDRAKANT2000 White DoveAlbuquerque NM 87123 | Home= Wife's Cell= Husband's Cell= EMail= | Retter , Michael and Mazzy11404 Harrier HawkAlbuquerque NM 87123 | Home= 453-5523 Wife's Cell= Husband's Cell= 934-7453 EMail= rettermichael16@gmail.com EMail2= Mazzstar77@gmail.com | Richard , Ross and Nicolette Trujillo2019 Canyon Wren CtAlbuquerque NM 88123 | Home= 870-1898 Wife's Cell= Husband's Cell= EMail= ntrujillo1414@gmail.com | Rockstron , Jeremy and Megan2032 Canyon WrenAlbuquerque NM 87123 | Home= Wife's Cell= 480 532-5482 Husband's Cell= 480 577-5254 EMail= megan-king9@yahoo.com | Rodey , Elaine and Jane Dooley11408 Harrier HawkAlbuquerque NM 87123 | Home= 602 695-3547 Wife's Cell= 505 350-9828 Husband's Cell= EMail= janedoo52@aol.com | Romaine , Les and Christel11416 Sandia Sunset Ave SEAlbuquerque NM 87123 | Home= 505 908-7196 Wife's Cell= Husband's Cell= 505 908-7193 EMail= christel-85@hotmail.com | Romero , Aaron and Melissa2020 Burrowing OwlAlbuquerque NM 87123 | Home= 505 259-7735 Wife's Cell= Husband's Cell= 575 937-5632 EMail= melissanichole07@gmail.com EMail2= aaron-Romero30@hotmail.com | ROMERO , Don and Eva Borrego2036 Canyon WrenAlbuquerque NM 87123 | Home= 505-610-0222 Wife's Cell= 415-999-7444 Husband's Cell= 505-525-2579 EMail= thedonco@gmail.com EMail2= Eborrego224@gmail.com | Rosenbaum , Gabriel and Ana Cristina2024 Canyon WrenAlbuquerque NM 87123 | Home= 619 319-8721 Wife's Cell= Husband's Cell= EMail= gabogarcia@gmail.com | Santiago , Frank and Angelica11420 Harrier HawkAlbuquerque NM 87123 | Home= 301-6817 Wife's Cell= 270-8850 Husband's Cell= EMail= f.santiagunm@gmail.com EMail2= ASanti13@yahoom.com | Torres , Anthony and Debbe11431 Manzano Vista SEAlbuquerque NM 87123 | Home= 505 350-3123 Wife's Cell= Husband's Cell= EMail= torrmart@msn.com | Tran , Richard and Hgoc To2013 Burrowing Owl St SEAlbuquerque NM 87123 | Home= 505 615-5500 Wife's Cell= Husband's Cell= 505-205-8887 EMail= RTRAN3189@gmail.com EMail2= Ngocto1793@gmail.com | Valdivia , Adam and Rayanne11435 Manzano Vista Ave SEAlbuquerque NM 87123 | Home= 505 410-6304 Wife's Cell= Husband's Cell= EMail= valdad@hotmail.com | Vance , Bonnie2028 Burrowing OwlAlbuquerque NM 87123 | Home= 270-0280 Wife's Cell= Husband's Cell= EMail= vance3796@gmail.com | Vartanian , Bob and Sara11448 Manzano Vista AveAlbuquerque NM 87123 | Home= 916 834-1616 Wife's Cell= Husband's Cell= EMail= saravart22@gmail.com | Walchko , Kevin and Nina2012 Canyon WrenAlbuquerque NM 87123 | Home= Wife's Cell= Husband's Cell= EMail= nwalcuko@gmail.com | Weatherby , Rich and Jamie11415 Manzano Vista AveAlbuquerque NM 87123 | Home= 707 364-4516 Wife's Cell= Husband's Cell= EMail= moguitars@yahoo.com | Weisheit , Darrel2019 Burrowing Owl StAlbuquerque NM 87123 | Home= 505 308-8255 Wife's Cell= Husband's Cell= 805 218-6037 EMail= a2yearsqu1d@gmail.com | Wilson , Josh and Jess2005 Canyon Wren CtAlbuquerque NM 87123 | Home= 814 424-3210 Wife's Cell= Husband's Cell= EMail= jessthewilson@gmail.com | Zhang , Hua (Andy) and Yufen2024 Burrowing OwlAlbuquerque NM 87123 | Home= 505 358-2908 Wife's Cell= Husband's Cell= EMail= Andyhua888@gmail.com | Zingler , Scott and Antoinette2027 Burrowing OwlAlbuquerque NM 87123 | Home= 610-2906 Wife's Cell= 310-227-0158 Husband's Cell= EMail= zingler_scott@yahoo.com EMail2= alzingler@yahoo.com |